Rabu, 23 November 2011

Perilaku Etika Dalam Bisnis di Era Saat ini

1. Bagaimana pendapat saudara tentang pernyataan kompetisi lambang ketamakan ?
Jawab :
Pernyataan kompetisi lambang ketamakan menurut saya itu merupakan hal yang sedang terjadi saat ini dan berdampak sangat negative. Dimana setiap orang yang beranggapan bahwa kompetisi itu sesuatu hal yang harus dicapai, maka orang - orang akan melakukan hal apapun demi ambisi nya untuk menjadi yang terbaik demi suatu tujuan tertentu yang hanya menguntungkan diri sendiri meskipun akan berakibat buruk bagi orang lain. Dalam hal ini terlihat jelas jika setiap orang beranggapan bahwa kompetisi itu suatu ambisi yang harus di capai dengan cara apapun dan ambisi tersebut akan mengarah kepada hal - hal negatif yang akhirnya akan merugikan orang banyak (pesaing).

2. Berilah contoh penerapan moral dalam dunia bisnis di era pasar bebas saat ini !
Jawab :
- bersaing secara sehat
- melakukan yang terbaik dalam dunia bisnis
- menghindari sifat 5K ( katabelece, kongkalikong, koneksi, kolusi dan komisi )
- konsekuen dan konsisten dengan aturan main yang telah disepakati
- jujur dalam melakukan bisnis

3. Sebutkan contoh dari situasi benturan kepentingan dalam dunia bisnis minimal 4 dari kategori yang ada !
Jawab :
- segala kepentingan pribadi yang berhubungan dengan kepentingan perusahaan.
Contoh :
Ketika seorang pegawai mendapatkan tugas keluar kota dari perusahaan tempat ia bekerja lalu memanfaatkan sebagian waktunya untuk berlibur.

- segala hubungan bisnis atas nama perusahaan dengan personal yang masih ada hubungan keluarga ( famili ), atau dengan perusahaan yang dikontrol oleh personal tersebut.
Contoh :
Seorang pegawai disuatu perusahaan memasukkan anggota keluarganya untuk dapat menempati suatu posisi di perusahaan tersebut tanpa harus melewati tahapan recruitment seperti para pencari kerja lainnya.

- segala penjualan pada atau pembelian dari perusahaan yang menguntungkan pribadi.
Contoh :
Seorang pegawai melakukan sebuah transaksi penjualan lebih dari harga yang telah ditentukan oleh perusahaan dan melakukan transaksi pembelian yang harganya kurang dari batasan yang telah ditetapkan perusahaan sehingga memiliki keuntungan untuk pribadinya sendiri.

- segala penerimaan dari keuntungan, dari seseorang / organisasi / pihak ketiga yang berhubungan dengan perusahaan.
Contoh :
Seorang pegawai mendapatkan keuntungan dari seorang manajer perusahaan baik berupa barang maupun uang.

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011


1. Soal
sebutkan teori etika yang anda ketahui selain yang sudah di jelaskan ( minimal 3 ) ?
jawab :
A. Etika Deontologi
Istilah deontologi berasal dari kata Yunani ‘deon’ yang berarti kewajiban. ‘Mengapa perbuatan ini baik dan perbuatan itu harus ditolak sebagai buruk’, deontologi menjawab : ‘karena perbuatan pertama menjadi kewajiban kita dan karena perbuatan kedua dilarang’.Yang menjadi dasar baik buruknya perbuatan adalah kewajiban. Pendekatan deontologi sudah diterima dalam konteks agama, sekarang merupakan juga salah satu teori etika yang terpenting.
Ada tiga prinsip yg harus dipenuhi :
1. Supaya tindakan punya nilai moral, tindakan ini harus dijalankan berdasarkan kewajiban
2. Nilai moral dari tindakan ini tidak tergantung pada tercapainya tujuan dari tindakan itu melainkan tergantung pada kemauan baik yang mendorong seseorang untuk melakukan tindakan itu, berarti kalaupun tujuan tidak tercapai, tindakan itu sudah dinilai baik
3. Sebagai konsekuensi dari kedua prinsip ini, kewajiban adalah hal yang niscaya dari tindakan yang dilakukan berdasarkan sikap hormat pada hukum moral universal
B. Etika Egosentris
Yaitu etika yang mendasarkan diri pada berbagai kepentingan individu (self). Teori Egosentris didasarkan pada keharusan individu untuk memfokuskan diri dengan tindakan apa yang dirasa baik untuk dirinya. Teori Egosentris mengklaim bahwa yang baik bagi individu adalah baik untuk masyarakat. Menurut J.Sudriyanto (1992:4) Orientasi etika egosentris bukannya mendasarkan diri pada narsisme, tetapi lebih didasarkan pada filsafat yang menitikberatkan pada individu atau kelompok privat yang berdiri sendiri secara terpisah seperti “atom sosial”.
C. Etika Homosentris
Teori Etika Homosentris Yaitu etika yang bertolak belakang dengan etika egosentris dalam arti jika egosentris lebih menekankan pada individu, maka etika homosentrisme lebih menitikberatkan pada masyarakat. Asumsi yang digunakan oleh etika homosentrisme adalah sifat organismekanis dari alam. Setiap bagian merupakan bagian-bagian organ dari bagian lainnya. Jika salah satu bagian hilang maka keseluruhan akan kurang bahkan tidak berguna. Antar bagian dari suatu keseluruhan memiliki hubungan yang tidak terpisahkan dan bersifat saling mempengaruhi. Namun, menurut J.Sudriyanto (1990: 16), dengan pandangan demikian sumber-sumber kekayaan alam dikuras terus menerus dengan dalih demi kepentingan dan kemajuan masyarakat.

Sebutkan etika umum yang berlaku dimasyarakat ( minimal 5 ) ?
Jawab :
a.Sopan, ramah tamah, dan bertegur sapa saat bertemu dengan tetangga
b.Tidak saling menghina.
c.Ikut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan kerja bakti dilingkungan rumah.
d.Orang yang mencuri barang milik orang lain tanpa sepengetahuan pemiliknya,akan diberi sanksi yang tegas
e.tidak menggunakan tangan kiri saat makan

bagaimana pendapat saudara tentang paham Heidonisme jika diterapkan di era saat ini ?
jawab :
menurut saya paham heidonisme tidak tepat jika diterapkan di era saat ini, karena sesuai dengan tujuan dari paham heidonisme itu menghindari kesengsaraan dan menikmati kebahagiaan sebanyak mungkin dalam kehidupan dunia maka paham ini dapat menghilangkan semua norma - norma yang telah berlaku di indonesia dan juga dapat menimbulkan kejahatan serta sikap yang menyimpang dan tidak terpuji akan terus menerus terjadi. sehingga paham ini sangat tidak baik jika diterapkan di era saat ini, karena akan menimbulkan sisi negatif yang tidak dapat dihindari oleh setiap masyarakat.

refrensi :

Jumat, 29 April 2011

Differences of Education Indonesia and America

Education in Indonesia is centrally on the Ministry of National Education of Indonesia (Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia/Depdiknas). Education system in Indonesia is Centralization. Education system in United State (USA) refers to from Government characteristic system in there that is federal by way of decentralization system by means of government states of America. The prominent leader of system education in there is department education federal government.

Education Instates in Indonesia just for certificate printing machine. A Lot of education department giving promise: graduate quickly, get certificate, and others. What can we hope from education like that? Maybe Ki Hajar Dewantoro will cry to look at education condition now. Not again to educated nation living (like wrote in UUD 45), but more similar with old machine which put outside product which difficult trade on the quality.

Education in Indonesia is more direct to prepare labor force "worker" now. Because worker’s think, all of the memorized given to students. And just for one thing: CERTIFICATE! Yeach, certificate, certificate, certificate that needed to find job. Idealism for change this condition, for teach living philosophy, and to teach the morality is limited.

Now, Education in Indonesia is very expensive. Yeach, poor people can’t enter in school! But that is the fact. “School must expensive”, that is stigma which planted in our think. Is it right??? That is not right; they who talk like that never see the condition. America, Malaysia, in fact Cuba can make their education very cheap. Likely, the most important for education just get certificate for find the job. Although, Education’s aim is building individually morality and knowledge.
In Indonesia, Ujian Akhir Nasional (UAN) became the controversy. Because UAN valuable ‘cut off’ the students who did not graduate. Other that, UAN as if requirement to graduate became ghost which frighten whoever: students, parent, and teacher. Different with America, if students can not exhausted standard value, school can not became that reason did not graduate. Students can take next level or continuo their study. But, their must correct their value like make time for study.

This wisdom is suitable with USA consistency to become their education as human right. On January, 8th 2001, President George W Bush validated The Education Principal with name "No Child Left behind Act". All of education system in USA and than clarified with other ways for all child.

Although that, in society still did not satisfied. Like example in New York stage, there are any accusations for donation educations system more focus to child which disable. The judge declared New York is not equitable in donation education and they must make new principal which give donation more for education.

I ever read article in Internet, “Education in Indonesia is dictator education”. As we know, students must graduate from their examination to continuo their study. Moreover, the teacher never appraises and doesn’t give freedom to express their think. Students must obedient to education curriculums which hold on textbook and material to be memorize.

Different with education in America, Students get freedom for choose the lesson and students can to express all of thing which in their think. In USA, the teachers are appraising the argument without restrict the students’ creativities. With the result that students very likely go to school and very likely to do assignment from school which interest. In there every student accepted with differences and little skill appraised, with the result that students can motives for study. Creativities and initiatives is appraise, simple and strange their initiative. Motives for study develop with better, also thinking skills, initiatives, and creativities. Maybe that is making America different with Indonesia.

The strengthening Indonesia-U.S. partnership has led to several important education initiatives. Officials from both countries have expressed the conviction that education is the base upon which future understanding and cooperation will be built. As the two democracies draw closer, this foundation grows stronger.

Cooperation spans all levels of education. For young children, the U.S. sponsors an Indonesian version of the popular American show "Sesame Street." This show, called Jalan Sesama in Indonesian, should begin broadcasting in November 2007.

To help improve grade-school education, the U.S. has launched a $157 million dollar education initiative. First announced in a joint statement between President Megawati Sukarnoputri and President George W. Bush in 2003, this program is beginning to show results. To date, it has reached over 1,500 schools, 24,000 teachers, and 400,000 students - an incredible set of accomplishments.

University-level cooperation has also been strong. Education and cultural exchange has blossomed under Indonesia's Darmasiswa scholarship and America's AFS and Fulbright programs. Further, university-to-university links - such as those with 50 promising Indonesian universities - are expanding quickly.

In addition to government efforts, non-governmental organizations have also helped strengthen Indonesian-U.S. educational ties. The Indonesian American Education Foundation (www.aicef.org), and the Indonesian International Education Foundation (www.iief.or.id), for instance, offers fellowship support for Indonesians to pursue graduate study in the United States, The U.S.-Indonesia Society (www.usindo.org), works to expand cultural education opportunities in Indonesia to all Americans through its Summer Program.

Further details about Indonesian-U.S. education cooperation follows.

1. Darmasiswa Scholarship

The Darmasiswa scholarship supports Americans as they study Indonesian culture, arts, and language at Indonesian universities.

2. American Field Services

The AFS/YES exchanges high school students for greater cultural understanding among youth.


The American Indonesian Exchange Foundation offers Fulbright scholarship programs for Indonesians to study at American universities.

4. USAID Indonesia

The website of the U.S. Agency for International Development's efforts to support education in Indonesia.

5. The Indonesian International Education Foundation

The IIEF manages a variety of scholarship programs from non government sources for Indonesians to study at American universities

refrensi :



Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

History Of Toefl

The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is the standardized test by which the English-language skills of non-native speakers are evaluated. The test is required by most colleges and some employers to make sure students and employees are capable of handling the linguistic challenges of cultural immersion. The test is designed by the Center for Applied Linguistics and administered by the Educational Testing Service.

From 1964 until 1998, test-takers took the TOEFL paper-based test, which was given like a traditional exam. This test was originally based on discrete-point testing, which tests one particular area of language knowledge per question and extrapolates a score that gives an overall view of the student's level. The paper-based test was scored from 310 to 677. However, as linguistic models changed, the Educational Testing Service (ETS), which administers the TOEFL, decided to change the test format as well.

Started in 1998, the computer-based TOEFL test kept some discrete-point questions, but also tested vocabulary and other skills directly. The computer-based test worked on an adaptive model: the questions a student saw depended on his answers to the first question in a given section. If he got the first few questions wrong, he would receive easier questions and thus a lower score. The computer-based test was scored on a scale of 0 to 300 points.

In 2005, ETS began to phase out the computer-based test in favor of the current Internet-based test. This test contains no discrete-point questions and is not adaptive: all students see the same questions, regardless of whether or not they answer the first questions correctly. The TOEFL Internet-based test appeared first in the United States, Canada, France, Germany and Italy in 2005, before gradually spreading to other parts of the world in 2006. It is scored on a scale of 0 to 120.


Based in Washington, D.C., the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) is a nonprofit organization committed to researching the relationship between language and culture. Founded in 1959, its first director was Charles A. Ferguson (1921-1998), who had administered similar programs in the Middle East and taught as a professor at Harvard University. Ferguson guided the center to develop practical solutions for the applied language and literacy concerns of international and national governments.


One of Ferguson's earliest projects was to develop a test that would quantify the command of the language that ESL (English-as-a-Second-Language) students and government employees had. Ferguson and fellow applied linguistics researchers developed the TOEFL test for the first five years of the CAL. In 1964, the first official TOEFL test was taken at the center.


Since the late 1960s, the TOEFL test has been administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), an international standardized-testing organization. According to ETS, between 1964 and 2008, 24 million people, largely international students, have taken the test. Introduced in 2005, the Internet-based test has replaced the computer-based and paper-based formats, with the computer-based results ruled no longer valid as of 2006.


Since the early 1970s, the 15-member TOEFL board has dealt with specific problems regarding the organization. This board is comprised of educators and government and industry representatives who are involved in international education. A board of 12 language specialists form the TOEFL Committee of Examiners, which addresses any concerns with the test's content and methodology, keeping the test valid.

5.Composition of Test

Since 1998, the paper test has been made up of 30 listening-based questions, 40 "written-expression" questions, 50 reading-comprehension questions, and a 300-word essay. The Internet-based test includes four sections: answering questions on a 700-word passage and questions on 30 minutes of an audio sample, as well as six speaking and written-composition tasks. The Internet-based test has also implemented tables and other formats into the test.


Today, the TOEFL is broken down into four sections, designed to measure the test-taker's skills in reading, listening, writing and speaking. Each section is scored on a scale of 0 to 30, for a maximum total of 120 points. The paper-based test is still available in some parts of the world; however, the Internet-based test is much more common and more widely accepted.

Refrensi tulisan :


Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

Complain Letter


Electronic And Service

Jl. Raya cempaka mas no : 102 jakarta

Januari 4,2011


Jl. Pinggiriran kali no : 5


Dear Sirs,


We ordered 15 units Laptop on 20 desember 2010 they were delivered on 3 januari 2011. I regret that 4 of them have problem with Lcd .

The package containing these goods appeared to be in perfect condition and I accepted and signed for it without question. It was on unpacking the laptop the damage was discovered; I can only assume that laptop was due to careless handling at same stage prior to packing.

I am enclosing a list of the damaged goods and shall be glad if you will replace them. They have been kept aside in case you need them to support a claim your supplier for compensation.

Yours Faithfully,



refrensi :